A First Kayaking Experience A Perfect Beach Day

in CCH28 days ago

Blue Grey Minimalist Birthday Photo Collage.png

Hello everyone

Two days ago, my niece and I were filled with excitement as we made plans to go kayaking at Yanui Beach. The anticipation of gliding across the crystal-clear waters of the Andaman Sea, with its vibrant marine life and stunning coastline, filled our hearts with joy. As we approached the beach, we could almost feel the gentle sway of the kayak beneath us, hear the rhythmic splash of the paddles, and see the breathtaking beauty of the sea around us.

However, our excitement quickly turned to disappointment. Upon reaching the kayak rental service provider, we found it closed. The shutters were down, and there was no sign of activity. Our hopes of a thrilling adventure were dashed, and we left the beach feeling deflated.

Determined not to let this setback ruin our plans, we decided to try again the next day. Yesterday morning, we set out for Yanui Beach once more, our spirits high and our resolve stronger. As we approached the rental service, the sight of the open doors and the kayaks neatly lined up brought a wave of relief and excitement.


With our life jackets secured and paddles in hand, we finally embarked on our long-awaited journey. The kayak cut smoothly through the turquoise waters, and the view was even more magnificent than we had imagined. The Andaman Sea spread out before us, its beauty overwhelming. We paddled in harmony, sharing smiles and laughter, and savoring every moment of our adventure. The disappointment of the previous day faded away as we soaked in the serenity and splendor of our surroundings. The gentle lapping of the waves against the kayak.



We slowly rowed away from the shore, the kayak gliding smoothly over the surface of the water. The clarity of the sea was astounding; we could see schools of fish darting around beneath us, their silvery scales catching the sunlight. My niece's excitement was palpable. This was her first time paddling a kayak, and the combination of the new experience and the stunning atmosphere of the Andaman Sea filled her with a contagious thrill.

As we moved further from the shore, her enthusiasm only grew. The expanse of blue stretched out before us, with the horizon blending seamlessly into the sky. The gentle rocking of the kayak, the soft splash of our paddles, and the occasional calls of seabirds created a serene and captivating environment.




At first, my niece and I planned to kayak around the small island just off the coast. The idea of circling the island, exploring its hidden nooks and crannies, was thrilling. However, after paddling for a while, I started to feel the strain in my arms and shoulders. The initial excitement gave way to fatigue, and it became clear that we needed to adjust our plan.

We decided to paddle closer to the island and park our kayak nearby, allowing us to admire the sea's beauty without exerting too much effort. The island loomed invitingly, its lush greenery contrasting beautifully with the deep blue of the water. We found a spot where the water was calm and let the kayak drift gently.




However, the calmness was deceptive. Even the small waves caused the kayak to rock back and forth, and soon, we began to feel seasick. The gentle but persistent motion made it difficult to enjoy the view, and the queasiness started to overshadow the beauty of our surroundings.

Realizing that staying in place wasn't an option, we decided to head back toward the shore. We picked up our paddles and started moving, the rhythmic strokes bringing a sense of relief. As we paddled, the seasickness began to subside, replaced by the familiar excitement of being on the water. The closer we got to the shore, the more stable and secure we felt.




When we returned to shore, the sun was climbing higher in the sky, and the heat was becoming intense. Seeking some refreshments, we bought ice cream from a nearby vendor. We found a shady spot under a tall coconut tree and sat down, savoring the cool, sweet treat while gazing at the beautiful expanse of the sea before us. The gentle rustling of the palm fronds and the rhythmic sound of the waves created a soothing backdrop as we enjoyed our ice cream.

My niece, full of energy and excitement, quickly finished her ice cream and turned to me with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Can I go swimming?" she asked eagerly. Smiling, I nodded and watched as she ran towards the shoreline, her laughter ringing out as she splashed into the waves.



I stayed under the shade of the coconut tree, contentedly watching her play. She jumped over the waves, chased the foam, and occasionally bent down to pick up interesting shells. The sight filled me with happiness. I have always loved the sea, but playing in it has never been my favorite activity. The sticky feeling of saltwater on my skin afterward is something I prefer to avoid. So, I stayed where I was, enjoying the cool shade and the simple pleasure of watching my niece have fun.

Time passed quickly. After about two hours, we decided it was time to head home. Gathering our belongings, we left the beach, the sun now high in the sky. The adventure had been wonderful, filled with moments of joy and discovery. As we walked back, I felt grateful for the time we spent together, knowing it was a day neither of us would soon forget.


Thank you for your support




Great photos, I haven't really gone kayaking before, I've always been a tiny bit scared, maybe I will try it one of these days.

You should definitely give it a try! It's a lot of fun. 😊

It looks so, I'll try it soon.

It's a very beautiful place and it seems like it would be a lot of fun to be there.

It really is a beautiful place, and it was a lot of fun!

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This beach is amazing, I remember about the place I used to visits call Koh Sdach where it has such a white sand and fresh air. Really cool for relaxing with your family or friends! Have a wonderful day dear!

That sounds lovely! Koh Sdach must be a fantastic place to relax. Have a wonderful day too! 😊