An Evening Walk at Yanui Beach

in CCHlast month


Hello everyone

Yesterday evening, I had an exciting adventure planned for my niece and me. We were going to take a kayaking trip at Yanui Beach, a charming little spot tucked away between Promthep Cape and the Windmill Viewpoint. This beach, known for its tranquil beauty and picturesque scenery, seemed like the perfect place for our outing.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon, we eagerly drove down to Yanui Beach, our spirits high and anticipation bubbling within us. The journey was filled with laughter and stories, as my niece chattered about all the fun we were going to have paddling through the gentle waves.


However, as we pulled up to the beach, our excitement was met with a hint of disappointment. The once bustling kayak rental stand was now eerily quiet, its doors closed and equipment neatly stowed away. We approached a staff member who was packing up for the day, hoping for a last-minute chance to rent a kayak.

"I'm sorry," he said with a kind smile, "but we've closed for the day. The winds are strong, and the waves are high this evening. It's not safe to go kayaking now." He explained that the conditions were much more favorable in the morning when the sea would be calm and inviting. "Come back tomorrow," he suggested, "and you'll have a much better experience."




Although we were a bit disheartened, we understood the wisdom in his words. Safety always comes first. So, we decided to make the most of the evening by strolling along the beach, enjoying the stunning views and the cool sea breeze. As we walked, the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore became a soothing backdrop to our conversation.






Yanui Beach is another stunning spot to watch the sunset, just as breathtaking as the renowned Promthep Cape, especially since they are located so close to each other. Despite the rainy season sometimes clouding the view, it remains a popular destination for both Thai and foreign tourists who gather there, eager to witness the evening spectacle.

Last evening, even though our kayaking plans were thwarted, my niece and I found ourselves among the many visitors waiting patiently for the sunset. The beach was lively with the murmur of different languages, and the air buzzed with excitement as everyone prepared their cameras to capture the perfect moment.


As we joined the crowd, the sky began its magical transformation. Though the clouds from the rainy season sometimes obscured the view, they also added dramatic textures and colors to the horizon. The sun dipped lower, painting the sky with deep oranges that reflected off the calm sea, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of light and color.

We snapped photos of the scene, capturing not just the beautiful sunset, but also the joy and wonder on my niece's face as she marveled at the natural beauty before us. The photographs were more than just images; they were memories of an evening well spent, despite the initial change of plans.



The atmosphere was filled with shared moments of awe and appreciation. Tourists around us were equally engaged, some posing for silhouette shots against the glowing sky, while others simply stood in quiet admiration. It was a collective experience of nature's grandeur, a reminder of why so many flock to places like Yanui Beach and Promthep Cape.

We sat on the sand, watching the sky transition from vibrant oranges and pinks to the deep blues of twilight. The moment was serene, and in its own way, it felt just as special as the kayaking adventure we had planned. My niece and I promised each other that we would return the next morning, ready to conquer the waves in our kayaks.

The evening, although not as planned, turned out to be a beautiful memory of its own. It reminded us that sometimes, unexpected changes can lead to equally wonderful experiences. With that thought, we headed back home, our hearts light and our anticipation renewed for the next day's adventure.


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Pretty ma'am @baibuaza,and what a nice view,I am very sure that the place is very peaceful and away from stress🤩

Thank you so much! It truly is a peaceful and stress-free place. 😊🌿

It looks great

Thank you! It really is a fantastic place. 😊