Shores of Serenity A Morning at Surin Beach

in CCH27 days ago


Hello everyone

The impending rainy season was making its presence felt as last night's rainfall broke the monotony of months of dry weather, replaced by the stifling heat. So, this morning, I found myself drawn back to Surin Beach for my regular walk and exercise routine.

Traversing the sandy shores, I embraced the cooler air brought by the recent downpour. After completing my circuit, I made my way to the familiar corner where I often capture the beauty of the beach through my lens. This particular spot boasts rocks that are just perfect for framing stunning photographs. With my camera in hand, I eagerly began snapping away, capturing the essence of Surin Beach once more.


In the scorching summer months, a sizable boulder lies hidden beneath the sandy blanket along the shore. The relentless ebb and flow of the sea carry vast amounts of sand, gradually burying the rock until it disappears from view.

However, as the rainy season rolls in, a transformation takes place. The once-calm sea becomes agitated, its waves rising high and crashing with newfound vigor. With each powerful surge, the accumulated sand is forcefully swept away from the boulder, revealing its weathered surface once more.

This natural cycle, driven by the changing seasons and the rhythmic dance of the ocean, serves as a reminder of the dynamic forces at play along the coastline.







With the onset of the rainy season and the accompanying rise in wave activity, safety measures are swiftly implemented along Surin Beach. Vibrant red flags are strategically planted along the shoreline, serving as a visual warning to all beachgoers, urging them to exercise caution and refrain from swimming during periods of high waves.

These flags act as a crucial communication tool, alerting tourists and locals alike to the potential dangers posed by the turbulent sea conditions. While the allure of the ocean may be strong, the red flags serve as a stark reminder to prioritize safety above all else, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the beach without putting themselves at risk.


During my month-long stint in Tak Province, I found myself distanced from the familiar rhythms of Surin Beach. The absence of my regular exercise routine with the soft sands and soothing sea intensified my longing for those serene shores.

Returning to Surin Beach after such an extended absence felt like a homecoming infused with the revitalizing energy of nature. As I resumed my activities along the coastline, the gentle lapping of the waves and the warm embrace of the sand beneath my feet enveloped me in a sense of tranquility.

Engaging in my exercises and simply sitting in quiet contemplation, I found solace in the rhythmic crashing of the waves upon the shore. It was as if the very essence of the beach was infusing me with renewed vitality, reaffirming the profound connection between myself and the natural world.






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Looking great as always @baibuaza 🥰