The Glittering Golden Pagoda A Bodh Gaya at Wat Bang Thong

in CCH25 days ago


Hello everyone

Today, I got to go back to Bang Thong Temple in Krabi Province to pay respects to the Buddha. It's been four years since my family and I last visited this place to make offerings. The temple, with its stunning architecture, still looked as beautiful as ever.

The atmosphere surrounding the area was vibrant, with the sky painted a brilliant shade of blue. Wispy white clouds drifted lazily above the pagoda, adding to the picturesque scene. It was a sight of serene beauty, one that captured the essence of tranquility and peace.



The midday sun beat down relentlessly, casting a sweltering heat over the temple grounds. During this time, the number of tourists dwindled as most sought refuge from the scorching rays. It was clear that the ideal window for visiting Wat Bang Thong was during the cooler hours of the morning, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and in the late afternoon, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Wearing socks became more than just a suggestion; it was a necessity. As visitors approached the pagoda area, they were required to remove their shoes as a sign of respect. However, the tile floors, heated by the relentless sun, posed a challenge. Without socks, the searing heat could cause discomfort and even swelling. It was a small precaution to take to ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable visit to this sacred place.


As you walk into the area, the first thing that catches your eye is the glittering golden pagoda. This stunning structure, a masterpiece in the Bodh Gaya style, is a replica of the famous pagoda in India. It stands tall and prominent, radiating a sense of majesty and peace.



Before entering the Phra Maha Chedi, you come across another balcony encircling it. This balcony is adorned with numerous Buddha images, each one as beautiful and intricate as the next, adding to the overall splendor of the temple.


In the middle of the pagoda stands a large Buddha image, prominently placed at the center. It is outstandingly beautiful, drawing both religious devotees and tourists who flock to admire its serene and majestic presence.




The interior of the pagoda is adorned with beautiful murals, decorated with exquisite Thai kanok patterns. These murals vividly tell the story of the Buddha's life, from his birth and enlightenment to his attainment of nirvana. Each scene is meticulously detailed, offering a rich tapestry of history and art that captivates all who see it.










Bang Thong Temple is a large temple filled with many beautiful religious sites, so you should plan to spend several hours there to fully appreciate it. In addition to the large and beautiful pagoda, the temple grounds feature various statues and numerous other equally stunning places waiting to be explored. This ensures that every corner of the temple offers something captivating for visitors.



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This place looks amazing like out of a movie, while going through your pictures the very first thing that comes to my mind is how many people work there to maintain the place so nice, how they restore it through the years, it looks so bright I bet you can see it from far away, I wonder how many ppl go visit not wearing socks not realizing how hot the place it to be bare foot during the day 😅✌️

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Wow, very beautiful place. Thanks for sharing 😉

Beautiful 😻

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