Family Dinner

in CCH2 months ago


My sister told me that they were coming at home for a dinner but they were the one bringing the foods. I just cook rice in a rice cooker. Good timing, they arrived earlier. As they enter the house, what a delicious aroma of the foods! When I opened it, we found assorted and different recipe in one big native food tray. There's a lechon belly, shrimps, squid, fried noodles and many others.

It's not only the foods we had that made us happy. The jokes and many talking about many things brought us fun and laughter.

That was a happy together family dinner. It was a good choice than dining out late at night.

Thank you everyone!


Hey @benedict08, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

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Looks delicious!

Hey @mauromar, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

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