![]Hello ♥️ Hello, our lunch menu will be simple home-cooked food that is commonly made and eaten. Today we are back with another menu of chili paste. Today we will make chili paste to eat. Today's chili paste is shrimp paste chili paste. We will have 3 side dishes. Today, we will have chili paste, clear soup, tofu, minced pork, chicken panang curry. This is our family's lunch. It is a simple home-cooked food that is commonly made in almost every region of Thailand. Every house has this menu. Every house will make it to eat. If you can't think of anything, just leave out chili paste because most Thais are farmers. They eat food with strong flavors so that they will have energy to work. Most of the old people or the elderly think that we have to eat something spicy and delicious to have energy to work because most of the rural guests in Thailand are farmers who do agriculture. They have their own crops and ingredients. They don't buy much. Most of the vegetables are grown by themselves because in the beginning of the winter season, they mostly grow vegetables. So, we don't have to buy anything for the vegetable menu. It looks like in the rural areas of Thailand, they don't buy much. Let's see what our food is like and what its color is like, such as chili paste, fried egg, acacia shoots, clear soup, tofu, minced pork, chicken panang curry. Let's see. And for this post, I would like to thank all my friends who came to watch the post. Thank you very much.)