Today I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying at home cooking and waiting for the kids. Today's menu is sour soup with mixed vegetables and stir-fried zucchini. It's a way of living at home.

in CCH4 months ago

Today I'm making a sour soup with mixed vegetables. The ingredients are large dried chilies, onions, shrimp paste, pounded together, and snakehead fish meat to make a vegetable garden curry. There are long beans, cauliflower, radishes, carrots, papaya, and rice. Another thing is stir-fry. Zucchini with eggs has two menus. Today, at home, I cook food for my children to eat. The children came back from selling things at the market around noon and got to eat. And another thing is that I have the duty of taking care of my little grandchild for him. Feed him, bathe him, make milk and sleep.
Sour curry is a sour soup with mixed vegetables with fresh shrimp and stir-fried zucchini. It can be eaten in a few restaurants. Try to get your grandchildren to eat a lot of vegetables so that their stomachs are not constipated. Eating vegetables will make it easier for them to have bowel movements. It is a menu that children can eat and adults can also eat well. Stir-fried zucchini is something that children can eat.

Staying at home, cooking, raising grandchildren, planting chili is a daily routine, then watering chili paste, taking a shower, drinking milk, and sleeping. The daily routine is something like this. Thank you to all my friends who came to see the post. This is a review of our daily life, what we cook one day, what dishes we make, what ingredients we cook with our food, and what ingredients we have. We will tell our friends to watch. We will have children for our friends to see. Let's talk about what we have for our rice dishes. What are the ingredients, including sour soup and vegetables, but termite vegetables are the easiest side dish to make in the three worlds. It's a side dish that is easy to make and also delicious. Both children and adults can eat it. Thank you friends. To those who have viewed this post, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate it.


delicious dish, but I prefer shrimp because it has a delicious taste 😊