Today there are orchids for sale at the market.

in CCH3 months ago

Hello, today there is a vendor bringing orchids to sell at the market. There will be many different colors. There are purple, pink, green and white. Orchids are orchids that farmers have ready bred and then bring to sell. They send it directly to the consumer. They sell it in the general market, so I bought 2 plants, which the seller sells. They are not expensive, at 40 baht per plant. They come from wholesale farmers. Sent to consumers who want to grow orchids as ornamental plants at home. What colors are there?

There will be green orchids and they will be beautiful, but I see long bunches and they are very beautiful. Some people like to grow them, but some people like to grow colored ones rather than purple, pink and red. But the ones that are very popular are the purple orchids that are commonly grown and nowadays orchids are quite expensive. They make them into flowers and places for us to worship at. We come to buy them and give them to monks on Buddhist holy days. Nowadays, there are not many orchids because the price is quite high. These days, they are lotus flowers and marigolds that will be used as karma and photographed for us to offer. Buddhas are lotus flowers and marigolds. Finding orchids is very difficult. If it is orchids that are made into bundles to offer to monks, the price per bundle is 15 to 20 baht, friends. This is different from lotus flowers and marigolds. Marigold flowers are only 5 baht per bunch. Therefore, there are not many people who like to bring orchids to worship the Buddha, so they will use lotus flowers and marigolds instead. It is considered that orchids are quite expensive, but they are beautiful. Beautiful silk orchids are very beautiful flowers and are the national flower of Thailand. I have bought 2 plants. I like to plant them at home. This one is to plant clothes. They are beautiful.

Thank you for viewing this post. Everyone will have beautiful flowers to look at, namely orchids. Thank you.