Meaning of family

in CCH2 years ago

Assalamualaikum Hive friends

how are you guys today, hope you are fine, on this occasion I will share with you a little about a peace of mind.

Tranquility is a very pleasant feeling because with serenity. our souls become peaceful and serene and secure. Tranquility can only be with a clean and pure soul and with a heart of trust in Allah SWT in that way our hearts will be clean and calm and calming.
And a calm can be obtained by not rushing and relaxing that way we will become better and relaxed.

And a calm can control emotions and anger, therefore people who are calm and relaxed and relaxed do not get hot and emotional and can control their anger.
And the way to make the heart and mind calm is by reading the Qur'an and remembrance of Allah SWT and remembering it that way our hearts will become calm and peaceful and peaceful.
And there is one more way so that our hearts become calm and peaceful is by performing ablution and praying that way our hearts will become clean and pure.

This is what I can share today, hopefully my friends will be happy to see it and take useful knowledge.
Thank you very much to :



