Beautiful morning and enjoyment in fair

in CCH11 months ago

Friends, hope you all are happy and healthy. The beautiful rainy season is going on in India and in this beautiful weather, all I want is to sleep till late in the morning under the shadow of the cold winds, but due to the responsibility of the job, we are not able to do what we want. I got up early in the morning because today I had to go to work as usual. The cold air was telling me to sleep for a while but my responsibilities had woken me up. So I gave time to personal care as usual and got ready to go to office.




My wife had made tea and breakfast for me and I left immediately after having tea and breakfast. I went to the nearest bus stand and there the bus was standing ready to leave, so I sat in that bus. Reached the city after 2 hours of travel. On the way, I got to see many beautiful buildings which were new and looked very beautiful in the middle of the city. The traffic in the city is increasing even in the morning because earlier in the morning we did not have to stop at the signal, but now we have to stop in the morning as well.





A few days back a painting competition was going on in the city. Many people had participated in this competition and through their art had made very good and beautiful paintings. I took photographs of all those paintings. Elephants, when there were no tractors, then people used to do farming with the help of cows and bullocks, so beautiful painting of that farmer, beautiful tree and the woman giving water to the cow by taking water from the well are visible, which was made with a lot of love. This is a cow.



I had done a lot of work today after reaching office and had left for home in the evening. After coming home, I went to the fair with my friends where people was enjoying himself a lot. Small children were playing in the water with toys and I found this scene very beautiful in which I have shared the picture with you all. Childhood is very innocent and children should be allowed to enjoy in childhood, otherwise youth is spent in studies and doing jobs. Seeing these kids, I remembered my childhood.

PhotographyBeautiful paintings on wall of city
Device CameraRedmi note 11 pro +
Current LocationINDIA



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