The Charm of the Beauty of Cloudy Clouds

in CCH29 days ago

Hello friends, wherever you are, I hope you are in good health and can carry out your daily routines as usual.
On this very beautiful occasion I want to entertain you all with some photography messages about the beauty of clouds.

I captured this photo yesterday when cloudy clouds covered most of the western sky, not long after the clouds started to appear and rain fell in the area.

When I captured this image I was on Jalan Exxon Mobil which we have in the sub-district which is located in Syamtalira Aron sub-district, North Aceh district.

As usual, below I have some photography of the charm of the beauty of cloudy clouds. I hope you will be entertained by some of the photography that I show.

Uploading PSX_20240523_112307.jpg #44

Note: I am writing in Indonesian and using the help of Google translate to translate into English.

All gifts from this post will be burned and made into strength to support other hivers posts.

PhotographerSmartphone usedLocation
@guntingRealme C53Aceh Province. Indonesian Country.

Thank you for your visit.

Warm Greetings From
