A very unique moth that I found on a leaf

in CCHlast year

Hello friends, wherever you are, how are you today? I hope you are all always well and best wishes to all of us who are in this extraordinary community. On this occasion, I will share with you one of one very unique insect photography that I photographed behind my house and this insect is of course categorized as a family of moths.

For the size of this insect, it is very small and generally this insect is often found on green leaves and of course when I saw it was very small it made it very difficult for me to photograph it but because I was using a macro lens I managed to take a few photo with my cellphone camera.

As for taking pictures, I took photos with a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Android cellphone camera and as I said earlier, I added a macro lens to make it look more detailed and I also took several photos from different angles to make it clearer how the results of some of the photos turned out. let's check together below. I hope you like it.

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung galaxy note 9
LocationAceh - Indonesia

About me

My full name is Edi Suryadi, many social media friends call my name Idayrus, I come from Indonesia, specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 1997 until now I have completed my education with a degree in Communication Science. As for me, I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus


those are some great shots thanks a lot for sharing, keep up the good work.

!giphy great

@sagarkothari88 vote

Thanks you so much

You are welcome

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