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in CCH10 months ago

It's a quick transition that after days of busyness, we're in this situation that we're having some rest. Our convention has been a success, and hosting it makes us feel do happy that everything turned out well.

There are times when it is raining due to a typhoon but it stops when we're going home, and others are going to their accommodation.

I'm not that quite active lately due to the convention, and I'm back for today's Photo Story.


There are a number of houses right there as we walked downhill. This place is close to the boundary of our province Pangasinan, and the neighbor province La Union.


Walked close to the river. I hope the raging water current won't eat up lands anymore. Erosion has been bad in this place.


Still, I was so happy to see the beautiful skies, and some clouds separated from each other. So lovely.


It's already dusk, and it's nice to see the skies so beautiful. This place was from the Presidents Hotel.


Evening came, and it's time to go home. Many people are still coming in though, at that time


Yay! 🤗
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