May First / Wednesday / Photos from the Park

in CCHlast month


May First

It's the first day of the month! We're still experiencing the peak of the hot weather but the latter part of the month will surely give us rains, which will welcome the rainy or wet season. Meanwhile, crypto prices isn't that hot though as value tumbles today. I'm not sure where the prices go. Is it already bull season or not? Or will there still be bull market this year?


I'm feeling better compared to yesterday when I had loose bowel movement. Headaches are quite gone. The extremely hot weather might have caused it. Today, we continue to experience the kind of weather we had the past few days. Patience and soon, the weather cools down but something to be prepared on.

Photos from the Park

Late afternoon is the perfect time to walk in the park. The climate cools down, and enjoy the green atmosphere. I'm glad despite the dry weather, the grasses and plants aren't getting dry yet.




