Simple Joys

in CCH2 years ago


There are some simple things that can make us happy. Of course, money is important in some ways. It will be for our benefit as we can buy our needs. As for me, I wanted to have my own house with my wife, food, and clothing. I wanted to have a car because it is necessary for outdoor activities and volunteering.

Last Monday, my wife invited my in-laws to escape an irritating situation. Afterwards, my wife asked me if I wanted to go with them, and I agreed. First, we went to the Provincial Library. The building for the adults (college students) is already full so we were directed to the children's library. Surprisingly, everyone in the building are adults. I got to converse with the attendee and he said, the college students who are supposed to be going to the library for the adults are transferred there. They were accommodated there not to read. Actually, they just wanted to go to the library to spend their free time. They were allowed to come in playing some games for the brain which are provided. The attendee said it's better than going out on a date or doing things that are not worthwhile. That makes sense.

We went to the beach which is just around 100 meters away. I am happy that I got some fresh air again from the sea after a few weeks. It's a simple joy that I felt, and I don't have to spend anything. Look at the guy sitting at the top of the tricycle! That's my father-in-law who seemed happy having a rest there. We bought some street foods nearby too.

Oops! Look at those cats interrupting me. My allergy is triggered. Well, I don't hurt them. I'm not that bad. I just told them to go away so I won't sneeze or my asthma won't be triggered.

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That is interesting that they have some brain-challenging games. And visiting the library over dating is a very good move for those students. awesome, because I might go dating than visit the library. hahah

Lol! You got me laughing about you preferring dating. Hehe

I wanna visit in the library again and play mind games. The board games there are interested as well.

Yay! 🤗
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That's an interesting vehicle in the photo my friend is it a three wheel?😀
Glad you had a good time at the beach!!

Yeah. We call that tricycle. It's a motorcycle attached to a sidecar.

Interesting, do you own one of these? Do they need to be license like a car?

They require license too. I don't have one. My father in law owns it. Hehe

Well that makes it nice, can you borrow it when you need it? Can you drive it any place without a license?

Too bad I don't have a license yet. Haha

Is it difficult to get a license, are they very strict to the book on rules??

Good job!

Thank you.