Creation of a small bridge in front of the kiosk for 555 Hive for the current price

in CCH2 months ago

Hello all friends. On this very beautiful occasion I am back here with you to show you some pictures that I have taken at a small kiosk where I sell and only today my plan to make a small bridge in front of my kiosk has come true.

And I took some pictures while the craftsmen were doing their work, while they were doing their work, I took some pictures to make my post here with you.

I made this bridge, all the money I got from my results is always active in this platform, the funds I have spent on making a small concrete bridge in front of my kiosk are 555 #Hive for the current hive price.

Hopefully the construction of the small concrete bridge in front of my small kiosk will run smoothly as I had hoped, thanks to this platform, many of the dreams I want to do can come true.

I am very grateful to everyone who has helped me here, especially @r2cornell who always gives me an easy path here.

So that's my brief story about the work I'm doing now.
Let's look at some of the pictures that I have taken below while the workers were carrying out their respective activities.

Hopefully this will be the best for me and others, thank you.
Greetings to all my friends who are always active here with me.

That's the picture above that I told you about making a small concrete bridge in front of my small kiosk. This plan has been around for a very long time and only now can it be realized, all of this with the help of this platform.


Congratulations. ☺️ @jasonmunapasee

Thank you so much.

You're welcome. 😊 Hoping for more achievement to come. @jasonmunapasee