The formation of rice fields stretching tens of hectares

in CCH10 months ago


One of the main incomes for the people in the village of Gresik Sawang, Indonesia, is income from planting rice in the rice fields. I see this is the initial process of the farmers in forming rice fields. We can see how from the photo the losses are so extensive they reach tens of hectares, but they still do the same thing. the same because this is one of their main offices. In the morning they spend the day in the rice fields with various new strategies. In accordance with world developments, they also carry out rice planting that keeps up with the times and one of them is planting rice seeds which are sent directly from the Ministry and also carrying out security measures. by cutting using a machine and this is an innovative method recently.
Seeing the condition of the rice fields which are becoming more and more profitable day by day makes the farmers even more enthusiastic about arranging and forming the land so that friends can see how in terms of neatness and in terms of forming such a large area of ​​land, they will soon plant rice on this large area of ​​land, but here I can convey and their enormous success. You can also see how the other preparation days are going, both in terms of the seedlings which are ready to be moved and also the subsequent maintenance regarding the fertility of the rice in the rice fields later.
Under such a clean sky, the increasingly hot day certainly makes the farmers a little tired. How the heat of the sun is caused by the appearance of an umbrella from thick clouds so that the clear sky will reflect the hot rays of the sun. This is one of the struggles of one style. towards farmers to form rice fields and sehabi. When he does work like this, patience is of course at the forefront.
For every process change, of course there is a period of good time, from the planting period it has a period of several days. However, many of the fertilizer fertilization periods end at the rice cutting period. For every senior farmer, of course this steppe step has its own advantages and so on, we all do it the same. with what is ordered, but innovative ideas in the field will emerge. They feel that we need it and they feel that this must be of greater value to be applied by the community or farmers. Now they have additional knowledge, both from Google and from other trusted sources.
This is my post today in the CCH community, a large community that always tells the daily lives of all of us. Some of these pictures and also the writing that I have put together as well as possible will certainly be a writing that is full of inspiration and full of enthusiasm and hopefully in the future these writings will be able to encourage the souls of those who want to continue their higher education because they don't know what to do. everything has sacrifices. I gave some of these pictures using my Samsung A20s smartphone with the location Aceh Indonesia for friends, good luck and good luck with your activities to be the answer for our beloved family.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Best Regards, @jepkupi