Photography - Gerbera Flower

in CCH10 months ago (edited)


Gerbera is known as the winter flower in our country. However, Gerbera can be grown all year round. Gerbera flowers are now plentiful in our local flower shops. Many people like to gift Gerbera flowers to their loved ones. My friend once gifted me a Gerbera flower. Gerbera flowers stay fresh for a long time even in water. If you keep Gerbera flowers in a house vase with water, it will stay fresh for a long time. Gerbera flowers need adequate sunlight to bloom. So this flowering plant should be planted in a sunny environment. Gerbera flowers are also becoming quite popular in our country.


  • Camera Device- Samsung M31


@jishan5 Very beautiful, the flower. Its color is fascinating.

Thank you very much ❤️