My activity was when I photographed a repairman repairing loudspeakers at school

in CCHlast month

Hi friends! How are you today! I hope that all my friends are always in good health so that they can carry out their activities as usual and hopefully the activities on this very beautiful day will bring extraordinary blessings and happiness.

Today I am back in your eyes, especially in this greatest community, to show you some pictures that I took a few days ago and especially in this post I will share some pictures about my activities in the office where I work, where that day comes. a repairman repairing loudspeakers at the school, at which time one of the loudspeakers usually used at the school had been damaged so it could no longer be used.

So for that reason, someone was called who was smart in repairing damaged electronic equipment and I noticed that the repairman was very skilled at looking for components that were faulty or damaged and in just a matter of seconds the man had found the cause of the loudspeaker not working properly. normal.

And it didn't take long for the repairman to be able to repair the electronic device perfectly so that the loudspeaker could be used again as usual.

As we know, in every public place we always use cameras and other digital devices and also use loudspeakers for certain and sudden purposes. Likewise, where I work, a government school uses several loudspeakers to provide information to students and The task is to provide news about changes in class hours, so that electronic equipment is really needed in a school.

And that's all I can write in this post, hopefully my friends will be entertained when reading it

And below I will share some pictures about my activities at school and photographing the repairman repairing loudspeakers.

That's what I can write on this occasion, hopefully we can take advantage of it and thank you for the visit and support from all friends and finally see you in the next post of course in this greatest community
Thank you very much
good luck for the future

about me
My name is joelkifli ibrahim, my friends call me by the name joel, on the hive platform I have the name joelibra, I came from the Indonesian state, the province of Aceh, I was born on April 21, 1978,

Besides working in a government agency, I also like to do natural beauty photography. I really like quirky and interesting things and natural beauty photography. On this platform I will share about the beauty of nature and other interesting things.
Thank you for your visit
Warm regards


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