Calliandra harrisii

in CCH12 days ago

This is a Calliandra harrisii. It is a very beautiful flower and every part of this flower is very soft and feels like fur. A truly magnificent flower when these flowers are in bloom, they look amazing and spread out beautifully. We have this flowering plant along the border of our house and the flowers look amazing when they are in bloom. I found this name by searching on google although it is called by different names in our region. In our region it is known as Kariya flower.








It is a woody plant. This tree is very large. But the flowers are very beautiful and very soft. When the flowers are in bloom, a walk under the flowering trees brings a lot of fragrance which is truly wonderful. I often get this scent when I pass under such flowering trees. Moreover, having such a tree in our house and along the boundary of our house, that tree has a lot of flowers and especially in the evening, a very beautiful fragrance comes from these flowers.

This morning when I was walking under this tree I saw many flowers lying underneath. I brought a flower. I really like flowers. Also, flowers are one of my favorites. Anyway apart from these flowers we see various flowers around us which enhance the natural beauty of nature. When I got to see these flowers early in the morning I felt very good.


I love the calliandra flower, it comes in red and also in pink which is my favorite, I had never seen it in white, thank you!! 💕

Flowers of this color are common here. But I came across these red colored flowers in a hilly area last few years. thank you