Macro photography of beautiful

in CCH25 days ago

Few days ago while I was walking along the street in front of our house I saw this spider which looked amazing. To be honest, the spider was really awesome. This is a macro sized spider. It looked amazing.







Even the spider looked cool. Especially the skin color was amazing. This kind of spider is mostly found on the leaves and branches of the trees in the webs in the forest. It is a very beautiful spider. Its body is very well designed. It even looked amazing sitting with its legs spread. As I was walking around in the morning I saw it hanging from some of our trees which I really liked.

We often see spiders of different shapes and sizes around us which look very beautiful. Especially we see different spiders in the corner of our house. Also we see different species of spiders around us. There are many spiders around us, big and small. Some spiders litter our house and destroy our essentials. However, this type of spider is mostly seen weaving webs on leaves or small branches.