Eel catching competition in the rice fields held by PT Nufarm Indonesia

in CCH2 years ago

Hello,,, how are you all hive friends today, hopefully we are all always in good condition wherever we are, and can carry out activities as usual.

On this occasion tonight,,,
I will share my activities today, and my activity today is to take part in an eel catching competition in the field by hand held by poison products from PT Nufarm Indonesia.

And these are some pictures I took when we were catching eels in the rice fields together.







And many eels are released in the fields, but the prize is only six eels, or eels marked with a tie on their head. Although eels are very difficult to catch but I have to keep trying and be enthusiastic, and of course I am lucky. because I managed to get one eel. marked on his head, and after checking it turned out that I got second place, and the prize I got was a gas stove. And this is a photo of me taking a gift given by a member of PT Nufarm Indonesia,


And this is a picture of my friend who won first place, both because of the eel marked with a ribbon for the first prize, there were two eels.



And this is a photo of friends who won third, fourth and fifth place, the prizes are rice cookers, water heaters and fans.



Hopefully the pictures that I present tonight can entertain all nest friends, both those who are working and those who are resting.
Regards @lasman07