Sheet of photos of banana trees decorating the house

in CCH3 months ago




One of the tall ornamental plants is the decorative banana tree. Friends, of course you often see this ornamental plant in the shape of a banana tree. However, it is not as tall as a banana tree. It has a desire for beauty, both in terms of leaves and stems. For banana trees, this ornamental plant is rarely seen in pots because the plant is a large category of plants, so if the speed is too late, it will make things difficult for the roots of the plant. the decoration. However, today I took several pictures of ornamental plants both in terms of leaves and stems so that I can share them with friends in the community who often I know that this is a simple room but I don't want friends to see how fertile the plants are. are on our home page. Now here are some pictures, hope you like it and greetings to friends of the cch community.
If we look at this ornamental plant, it is exactly like a banana tree, the only difference is its smallness and size, both in terms of leaves and in terms of the banana tree. Several pictures are already on my smartphone and I will take them out, hopefully these will be beautiful and interesting pictures.


Good photography 👍