Many times people act against their will due to circumstances

in CCH28 days ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Sometimes people can't do anything according to their own will, sometimes people do many things against their own will, they are forced to do things against their own will due to the situation, when a person does something against their own will, they have to do that work. I don't like it, it only works in name. And tries to finish that job very quickly.

Like someone working in an office, now the boss of that office asked you to do a job, then you have to do that job even if you don't want to, if you don't do that job then you will lose your job, you will face a big danger, save your job You must listen to what your master tells you to do, even if it is against your will.

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Again many times we see young people playing music through the sound box near our house or somewhere else, you want to dance to that song, but you can't do it, now you are grown up, everyone looks at you when you dance with the kids. Looked at differently, you can't do that now, even if you want to.

Again you want to go sightseeing now, but you are not given leave from the office where you work, then you can't go anywhere even if you want to, because if you take leave now, your job There is a possibility of leaving, even if you want to, you can't go anywhere now.

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There are many other such situations, including social situations, family situations, political situations, due to which many times we have to do things against our own will, and despite the will we cannot do many things, when against the will. have to do and can't do any work as per wish, then we are forced to bear the pain due to the circumstances.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


It's a tough balancing act, striving to maintain personal happiness while meeting external demands. Hopefully, finding small moments of joy and personal satisfaction can provide some relief in such situations.

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