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RE: Street Fruit Seller

in CCH2 years ago

This is my first time seeing many of these fruits. I've hardly ever eaten tropical fruit before. That's why I'm very curious about the taste of these fruits. Especially fruits such as papaya and wild strawberries look very different and delicious.


Where do you live

I am living in Turkey !PIZZA

Do you mean "I live in Turkey"? 🤔 Saying where you have lived for years should be in the simple present tense, not in the present continuous/progressive tense. 🤓

Have some !PIZZA and !LOLZ to help you understand and remember this better! 😁

Ah yes "I live in Turkey"
Sometimes I write the same thing in English because I think in Turkish. But everything is very different in English. 😀 !PIZZA

It looks like you just have to practice to be able to use the English language more accurately and easily. 🤓

Thanks for the !PIZZA! 😀 Have some !LOLZ too with !LUV! 😁

Oh yes, I also need to learn vocabulary. I think I can speak better English after learning some more vocabulary.

Here's some !PGM and !ALIVE with !LUV to help you learn English faster and easier! 😁