I went on a trip to the village kite fair

in CCH11 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum hope you are all well. Alhamdulillah I am very well. I come to you with a travel story. Today I went for a trip to the Kite Fair. This is the first watch fair organized in my friend's village. I went to this kite fair for the first time in my life. There are very beautiful roads. The road is lined with palm trees. How beautifully the people of the village have arranged the environment. After reaching there it started raining. I did not see many kites in the sky.



I waited here for a long time. Then I did street photography. Then slowly I saw two kites. It started to fly in the sky very beautifully and quietly. Many big events have been organized here. Which kite will rise the highest. He will be declared the awardee. But because there is less air. Haven't seen many kites flying like that. I really like traveling here. Because I got to see this kind of kite festival for the first time in my life. Also the people of this village are very happy. This festival is done after Eid to bring smile on the face of farmers.




This is the first time we have presented our relationship at the kite fair. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes in my post.