My activity today this evening with a walk at the night market.

in CCH11 months ago


Hello everyone.

Today my husband and I have taken the kids to go out to the night market together. There will be every Monday here. Almost every week when there's a night market, I'll come out to buy soya milk and a few snacks. Night market, some weeks, there will be more or less vendors selling things differently. For example, if it's Chinese New Year, Chinese vendors won't come to set up shop or if it's Hari Raya or Malay New Year. Malay merchants will not have a shop to sell things, etc. But today, the night market has many vendors set up stalls to sell things.


The first shop I passed by was selling Boiled Peanuts, Boiled Lamb Corn which prices range from RM4 and RM5.


The second shop will be a dessert that is similar to a Thai dessert called "Kanom Tang Taek", which outside is a batter that is poured into a thin crispy pan, but the inside is sprinkled with peanuts, sugar and butter. Corn, which will have the aroma of butter. The big one costs 5 ringgit. We bought 1 because my eldest daughter loves it so much she has a similar taste to her father and thinks this dessert is delicious.


And the next store we continue walking until we reach a bakery which has various flavors of bread such as raisin bread sprinkled with sugar. The snacks here start at 7 ringgit. I didn't buy anything from this shop, just walked by and browsed. I think I might get a slice or two of bread back for eat in tomorrow. But unfortunately, the dessert that I want today is not available for sale.


And the next shop is a drink shop with many drinks to choose from. such as coconut water, cendo water, milk tea, coffee and many more flavors. The price of drinking water is sold at a starting price of 5 ringgit per glass or more. These drinking waters are great to sell on hot days because everyone wants to drink to cool off.


Next to it is a fried fish and french fries shop. This shop sells appetizers such as fried food which looks delicious but I have never bought from this shop once. I can only think that next time I have the opportunity, I would like to try and buy it.


I stopped by to buy crispy fish at this shop because I had bought them twice before and it was quite delicious and the price wasn't that expensive. And I know my mother-in-law likes to eat too so I will buy a lot because in one week we can eat delicious things when we watch series at night.


There is also a shoe store that has both children and adults. There are different types of shoes to choose from.


The sushi roll shop, which has a small space, has several pages of sushi to choose from, and now, as you can see, payment is easier, just having a bank account linked to a mobile phone, we can use the app to scan money to pay with touch and go.


This soya drink shop that I want to go to every Monday because I love soya drink very much. And this soya bean milk tastes really pleasing to me. So it can be called my favorite shop. The price starts at 2.5 ringgit per bag and a 1.5 liter bottle is 7.5 ringgit. Because the taste of soy milk is fresh and cool. We can choose either cold soy bean or hot soy bean and also have fresh tofu as well.


The last shop is a fried noodle shop. Which is a shop that when I walk through to eat very fragrant, but never bought to try it once, because it was time for dinner at home to cook already, so I only bought snacks and Soya Bean only. And this is my activity in walking tour of the night market last Monday.
Thank you all friends who stop by to read my story and I hope you guys will like it and see you again in the story. next time bye bye

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Many merchants in that place. It seems quite happy when we are in that place and enjoy the atmosphere there.