My Daily Story 12/2/2024 : Fun to play, beautiful place.

in CCH3 months ago


Hello everyone.
Yesterday my husband and I took our daughter and grandson out on a trip to downtown Kuala Lumpur. Today is still another day of traveling. So we went out to see the atmosphere of the capital a bit. It took us almost an hour to drive and we were already there. This place reminds me of the capital of Thailand. .Because there are many people of many different nationalities. Everyone hopes to come see the capital here. But for children They just want to come out to have fun and have delicious snacks to eat. When we arrived here, we went to buy some snacks and drinks.
After getting a seat We all happily looked for snacks to eat. After they were full, they went to run around and play in the wide field. There are many people who come to visit and there are many parents who bring their children to visit.
There are decorations here to welcome the Chinese New Year. And this is the viewpoint at the back of KLCC. Children run up and down the small hill that was created as a platform to stand on to take photos and capture the atmosphere of this Malaysian city.






The children played until they lost track of time. Because they had so much fun playing together that they forgot to go home because this was a strange and spacious place. But when we got in the car to go home, on the way we bought some bread for the children to eat. They ate their fill and slept for a long time until we drove all the way home. And this is my activity today. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read the articles and look at the photos I shared today. May everyone enjoy it.
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Thank you very much.