A few random photographs.2023-04-16

in CCHlast year

Good morning and hello friends. Lots of love and love to all. Hope everyone is doing well. Today on #CCH blog will share some photography. Which photography you all know and don't know. Let's begin.


The first photograph you see is the national fruit of our Bangladesh. Its name is jackfruit. We all know Bengalis. Since there are people or friends from many countries in this blog. Those who may not know much about our country, I took it up to introduce myself.Generally, this fruit can be seen in our village or city at this time. Because this is the time of jackfruit harvest. We make many kinds of curries with this jackfruit fruit and when the jackfruit fruit is ripe, it is very delicious. It is very fun to eat.



This photograph is of a felled tree. But as far as I know it is a medicinal tree. But I don't know the name of the tree. But we can see a lot around our village. The trees are not so big. But the whole tree is full of cut. And the flowers look very beautiful. The yellow part is more visible among the white petals. Great. Fruits are produced from these flowers. It is a bit hard to eat but the fruits are edible.



Then the flower looks very beautiful. But the name of the flower is lemon flower. Because it is the flower of the lemon tree. The flower looks very beautiful and the flower has a scent. I like the smell of the flower. The fruit is from the lemon tree. It is very good to eat. Eating lemon fruit is very beneficial for the body.


My last photography is two beautiful birds. The name of this bird is pigeon. We see these birds in our paddy fields and fields. These birds are very beautiful in nature and look great.

Thank you all for viewing my post.