A few photography scenes.

in CCHlast year (edited)

good afternoon how are you all Hope you all are doing very well. Today I have appeared in this #cch blog with some photography. I capture these images this morning. But I tried, I tried to capture beautiful images. Without further ado guys, let's get started.

First I am sharing a beautiful fruit picture. This fruit is called pumpkin fruit. Usually these fruits are available everywhere in our village. The fruits are eaten by many of us. The fruit is very fun and delicious to eat. The seeds inside can be eaten.


Then the next picture is a picture of betel nut flowers. These trees grow very big. And the flowers produce fruit, which we drink and eat. It is a popular food in our country. We eat this food after meals.

Then the name of the fruit is pepper tree. Many of us eat this pepper. The plants are not so big. But we cook with pepper curry. Other foods are also used.

Finally, the photography is a picture of rice plants. These plants are bearing rice. Now the rice plants have collected milk. These plants will turn into rice in 10-20 days. The color of the rice will be golden. Then after we ripen the rice, the rice will be harvested. Then from the rice. Rice is available.
Everyone will be fine and healthy. thank you