Some fruit photography.

in CCHlast year

Good afternoon friends. how are you all Hope you all are doing very well. I am also good with your blessings. Today I did some photography in the afternoon. Now I am sharing among you all.

The first photograph I will share today is a picture of a mango fruit. Now is the time of harvesting and ripening of mangoes in the months of Baisakh and Jaishtya. So wherever mangoes are available in our country, the mangoes are very sweet and delicious when they are ripe. But there are many types of mangoes in our country. There are varieties, each with its own taste. I shared a photograph of a native mango.

Then the photography is banana fruit in a banana tree. But there are many types of bananas in our country. Among them I am sharing a photo of Jhku Malbhoga banana. These fruits are not ripe or unfit for eating. But they can be used to prepare many kinds of food. Such as curry, potato juice etc. But it is very tasty when ripe.

The third photograph is a picture of maize. Compared to rice and wheat, the nutritional value of maize is higher. It contains almost non-vegetarian ingredients. In addition, yellow colored corn kernels contain more vitamins. Corn kernels are used as human food and corn stalks and green leaves are used as high-quality cattle fodder. It also has considerable importance as poultry and fish feed. Only to meet the demand of livestock, poultry farms and fish, corn grains are required annually. Maize land in Bangladesh is increasing rapidly. But now the price is quite good. People are benefiting now.

Everyone will be fine and healthy. thank you