Beautiful shot of a beautiful orange flower

in CCH2 months ago

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I am back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of beautiful orange flowers. The flower looks very beautiful and charming with its bright colors. I found this beautiful flower this afternoon in the garden at my friend's house. The appearance is so interesting to look at, I was stunned to make it. When I saw there were beautiful flowers in the garden, I immediately approached them to enjoy them at a closer distance.

The beautiful flower that I snapped is called the marigold flower. As we know, marigolds are an annual ornamental plant and this plant is a popular ornamental plant. In the past, this beautiful flowering plant was not popular, only found in cemetery areas. I used to often see this flower in the cemetery area. But over time, it has now been used as a garden ornamental plant. This flower does not have a fragrant aroma but has a pleasant appearance to look at and of course does not get bored easily.

Generally, marigold flowers have two color variations, namely yellow and orange. But what I found today was only orange. So, instead of waiting a long time to be curious about how it looks, let's see it now below👇