Beautiful shots of the raindrops remaining

in CCHlast month

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of the raindrops remaining between the longan fruit. When it suddenly rains, all living creatures will gather happily to enjoy every drop of rainwater that falls from the sky, washing the entire surface of the earth.

Here I also enjoyed it, I sat on the terrace observing every drop of air that fell and they gathered on the surface of the ground which then flowed simultaneously. They create a very compact group and look interesting when they go together, flowing to lower elevations.

But what made me more interested was not in their compactness flowing simultaneously, but I was more interested in the raindrops remaining on the kekengkeng fruit. The shape is very interesting, hanging down. If we look at it with the naked eye, the droplets look normal. But when we look at the lens screen, the droplets are really the usual liars seen.

In the water droplets there are very attractive reflections of leaves, adding to the attractive impression. It is only visible when we look at it through the lens screen. These drops also look very shiny, like seductive gemstones. So that you are no longer curious about its extraordinary beauty, now let's look at it together below👇


Nature is beautiful no doubt, and your camera did justice by showing everything as it is.

Thank you buddy.

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