Wandering Kilifi: A Coastal Tale of Nature, Ruins, and Unexpected Journeys

in CCH6 months ago

Today, the sun blazed over Kilifi Creek as I strolled along its shores, tracing its path to what locals call a bay, though to me, it resembles a lake with ocean-like tidiness. The beaches are adorned with a mangrove forest, and some areas invite swimmers, while the remnants of a once-thriving restaurant and hotel stand, or something akin to them.

A year ago, I explored the opposite direction, passing through beaches, ruins, rocks, and mangrove forests. However, today's journey was more laid-back. I appreciate this place for its breathtaking nature, even though it bears witness to the sad reality of ocean plastic. Mangroves entangle with discarded plastics, a stark reminder to treat our environment with care and not contribute to the sea's pollution.

After reaching a special pier, I paused, took in the surroundings, and retraced my steps as the water began to rise. Beyond the pier lay mangrove forests, ruins, and an abundance of plastic waste. Being mindful of time and tide, I wisely chose to head back, avoiding the risk of being stranded.

On my way back, I passed by boats and the remnants of a ferry that once connected to Mombasa before the bridge. Climbing stairs, I returned to town, seeking refuge from a sudden tropical rain near a police checkpoint. When the rain let up, I continued to the supermarket for essentials, securing water for tomorrow's journey and some snacks for the evening.

At the bus station, I purchased a ticket for my next destination, learning that catching the bus required a detour to Mombasa. Ticket in hand, I returned to my temporary abode as night fell. Now, in the dark, I reflect on the day, writing and dining simultaneously. Tomorrow brings packing and a new journey, unexpectedly having covered 8.3 km according to Google's tracking.

To all my subscribers, good night, and to those yet to subscribe, you're welcome to join. Stay tuned for more updates on my adventures.

Me on Nostr
