Gifts are much more special for love.

in CCH2 months ago

Hello friends Assalamu Alaikum how are you all? I hope you are all very well by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God. I am also very well by your prayers and the infinite mercy of Allah. I hope you are also very well. Gifts received from loved ones are very special for us. Today I received a gift from my loved one which is very special for me, although it is small, but still there were some very happy moments for me.







We have to live our life as it is meant to be lived, only then can we enjoy life properly and to enjoy this you always try to be good to your loved ones and your family, if you try to be good to them then at the end of the day you will get a little success. Today I never imagined that I would get such a beautiful and special moment from my loved one, in fact every moment spent with him is very precious for me, I try to enjoy every moment a lot, I want to be happy a lot.

I tried to give myself some time today, as I woke up in the morning and became very busy with my own activities. In fact, we have to deal with everything: family, life, religion, children, and while giving time to everything, we forget that we have a life of our own. We completely forget to give ourselves time. This is not right at all. At the end of the day, when you realize that you did not give yourself time, you will regret it. There will be no use in regretting it. The more you can take care of yourself, the more you will refrain from regretting it at the end of the day.

Of course, at some point we understand the importance of giving ourselves time and giving ourselves importance, and we forget these words at some point when our mind turns to the world, we forget about scratching our heads, a girl forgets to eat her own food while working, I also do this myself, so maybe I can share it with you. Today when my loved one brought me flowers, I was actually very happy. I don't usually do that, but today I don't know why he suddenly did it.

When I woke up, I saw two flowers lying in front of me, then I asked, "Let's go for a walk." Actually, walking in the morning has become one of my habits, but today, I would go out with my loved ones. It was beyond my imagination. Then we went straight to the school in front of us. The field is actually very big, where we can have a lot of fun. Apart from having fun, we can also spend time and winter mornings are much happier. Many people like to spend this morning sleeping, but I don't like to sleep at all.

I think you should definitely enjoy your time, one by one, but time is passing by. It is not right to do this. As long as you are alive, try to enjoy your time happily. The more you can enjoy life, the more you will find the real meaning of life. The moments spent with your loved ones are very sweet memories and to keep them as memories, we take many types of photography, but sometimes it happens that they get deleted due to changing our mobile phones.

Keep the moments spent with your loved ones in a place where they will be safe and sound, and be sure to take care of them, because over time, our bodies change, our looks change, and our relationships change too. Never forget this fact. And of course, to keep your love strong, keep the right perspective on each other. May everyone be well and healthy. I am leaving here like today, may Allah protect us.