No one will treat you well if you don't have money

in CCHlast year

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praise be to Allah Almighty.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, how are you all? I hope you are all very well by the infinite mercy of God Almighty. I am also very well with your prayers and by the infinite mercy of Allah, Alhamdulillah.

No one will treat you well if you don't have money

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Our life is very strange, we humans are very greedy in nature, we can never be satisfied with what we have, we need more, but one thing I have noticed a lot is that when you have money, people will extend their hand of love to you a little more.

When you don't have money, the opposite will happen to you, no one will love you, and many people will find it hard to kill you. This is the real society.

You can't belong to anyone easily even if you want, you can never open your heart to anyone because everyone runs after money. When you have money, everyone will love you. Don't hesitate to ask how you are.

When you run out of money, you won't find anyone to tell you where you are or if you're even alive. The reality is that you'll slowly become neglected even by your family.

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Sometimes I feel very helpless sometimes I think if I could earn a lot of money then maybe I could be known as a very expensive thing to the family.

But the irony of fate is that no matter how hard I try, I can't do anything, trusting in Allah and slowly moving forward, if Allah has made me for a beautiful and beneficial day in the future.

Money is a very valuable thing, the world is very beautiful for the one who doesn't have it, the world is covered in darkness, many people can show a lot of power, they don't consider the innocent people in the society, they walk in such a way that they seem like the king of the world.

If you have money, everyone will tell you who you are, and even if you don't have money, you will understand how people have treated you, so jump to earn as much money as you need. You will see that life is very beautiful.

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Wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I bid farewell here today. Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.