Photography // Heavy rain in the morning

in CCHlast year

Rain meant happy day and heavy storm started blowing in the night but there was no sign of rain in the morning.

Everyone started rejoicing, after a long time the rain fell on the ground as if the ground was swallowing all the rain water itself.

I'm talking about myself. How are you all I hope you all are very well by God's infinite mercy I am also fairly well by your prayers and by God's infinite mercy.

Photography // Heavy rain in the morning


Even if it rains there is no stop to my work because I am a machine I love to work so I don't have a day off even on a rainy day Sometimes I ask myself a worker when he works in someone else's house but he has a day off My forehead is like I am never a day off didn't get




In fact, everyone was cheering for rain these few days, but finally today it rained.

Just like the rain, the lightning flashed in the sky and the sky looked like it was about to burst.

In the meantime the current went out and it was dark all around even during the day it seemed as if the darkness of the night was coming.

Anyway I started to finish my tasks one by one like everyday but I was feeling very cold to myself while working wet in the rain on a rainy day.Even then I had nothing to do as I had to handle these tasks alone so without looking anywhere else I started to handle my tasks by myself.




Everyone was sitting at home playing ludoo and I was doing my work and sometimes thinking that maybe if I was in my mother's house she would never have allowed me to work in the rain.

There was heavy workload from morning on top of that heavy rain with no let up for the rain. Just like the stormy wind, the torrential rain is going on and on.

Anyway I am sharing some rain photography with you hope you like it too.

Today I am not writing anymore because I am wet with rain all the time, my body condition is very bad, maybe I have a fever, but thanks to the creator, I am as I am Alhamdulillah.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I leave here today wishing everyone to be well and healthy.