What is the meaning of life

in CCHlast year

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praise be to Allah Almighty.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, how are you all? I hope you are all very well by the infinite mercy of God Almighty. I am also very well with your prayers and by the infinite mercy of Allah, Alhamdulillah.

What is the meaning of life

[image source>(https://pixabay.com/photos/flower-life-yellow-flower-crack-887443/)

We all ask ourselves this question, what is the meaning of life? What is the true meaning of life? Have you got the answer to that question today?

I have seen many people who start running after the question of what is the meaning of this life and try to succeed there when they come so far that when they look back on the later years of their life they see that they have deteriorated a lot.

When a student passes an exam with good results or a player gets first place, if someone asks him what he really got, what thing in life did he get, what thing did he wish he had heard before the game started?

If someone had told me that when I pass the game and take first place then there is nothing in front of me then nothing but emptiness.

The meaning of life also seems to me to be the same when we run after a task in our life when we achieve success in it but then we find nothing else in front of us.

Be it a jobber a teacher a student a man crosses every hurdle in his life when he steps into his old age home he finds no meaning in his life.

It seems to me that life is very beautiful, the creator has sent us to this world to enjoy this wonderful beauty of creation, the creator wants only one thing from us and that is to worship if we could worship properly then our life would be worthwhile.

Every man wants to do good in life but every man cannot do good but still he runs after life.

In the pursuit of life, there is a time when there is nothing but emptiness in his life, when he repeatedly forgets the main part of his life in the pursuit of life, then he has nothing else to do.

Life means to enjoy Life means to remember the Lord Life means to obey the Lord as long as you live Enjoy everything in this world.

I have said a lot of things today, wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I leave here today, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.