A cat watching the rain fall

in CCH2 months ago

Hello friends, I hope your activities today run smoothly. On today's occasion I want to show some pictures of my pet cat sitting on the window while looking at the raindrops outside falling from the sky.

Because it was raining today, we couldn't go anywhere but stay indoors. While enjoying the music played by the raindrops that fall one after another. It turns out that enjoying falling rainwater is really delicious and can make our hearts cool and peaceful.
Actually, he wanted to go out through the window, but because it was raining outside, his intention was abandoned. Finally he sat on the window looking out when the rain stopped. And before he moved, I used a little of my time to take some photos of him. And the results were very satisfying for me. If friends want to see some more pictures, let's look at them together below.

So, this is my post today, I hope all my friends like it. Before I end it, first of all, I would like to say thank you very much to those who have visited my post, and I pray for all my friends that they will always be happy. Until see you in the next post.