Butterflies looking for food

in CCH10 months ago

Hello. Good morning everyone, I hope today is always a happy day for me and also for all my friends in this beloved community. Thank God, today there is still an opportunity for us to rejoin this community that we are proud of together. And today I want to show you some photos that I took a while ago with my own cellphone camera. That is a butterfly that is stopping for a moment.

Yesterday I saw a very beautiful butterfly with a brown color either looking for food or taking a break. I also don't know the truth because the only one who knows is him, all I know is that He is standing. And that time immediately occurred to me to take some photos. And I immediately photographed him with several portraits very carefully so that he would not fly away.

But even though I was very careful, he flew to another place and I also chased him. In the end, I was also able to take a picture of him in another place too. That's why the photo I'm showing is different because it's not in one place.

So here's my post today, I hope friends who have seen my post like it. And I also don't forget to say thank you very much for visiting my post. Thank you see you in the next post.