7 angels waterfall

in CCH3 years ago

Hello friends @hiveblog this time I will tell you about the 7 nymphs waterfall

7 Bidadari Waterfall is located in the interior of Aceh, precisely in North Aceh Regency. Access to this destination is very difficult because the location is in the middle of the forest. To get there it takes approximately 6 hours to drive from the city of Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Those who go there not only need desperate capital, but they must have very accurate information, mentally and physically. Two hours drive from Lhokseumawe, after that to go to 7 Bidadari Waterfall, you have to walk with a travel time of 4 hours so the total travel time is 6 hours.

In addition to walking, we have to struggle with mud obstacles that sometimes reach the knees of adults. However, the struggle is paid off on the spot. Once we arrived at the place we were made to shake our heads, there is a place as beautiful as this in the interior of a dense forest.


There is a waterfall and a lake where the water is still very clear. It's even more fun if we camp in that place. We will feel an atmosphere that we rarely encounter. The atmosphere is so calm with the sound of splashing water and the occasional chirping of birds. This tourist destination is not managed, either by the government or residents because the access is so far away. I hope that even though no one manages it, I hope that visitors who come to this place can keep their trash from being thrown away and not committing immorality.

That's it with my short story, hopefully my friends on hiveblog can entertain me @suneo thank you


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