Daily Story (TRAVEL) °CCH° | July 28 - Amazing Day.!

in CCH3 years ago


Hello friends, Hello CCH Community

Welcome to my first post in the cch community. if i offer


I set off from Istanbul in the morning to go to Edirne. After 2 hours of travel. We arrived in Edirne. First we wanted to find a green area. But there weren't many deserted green spaces around. Maybe there was, but we haven't seen it yet. Finally we saw a place and rested and had a snack. We also had tea. But it was still warm. After having a picnic in a shaded place for about 2 hours, we set out for the city center. Since our car has a lot of gasoline, we wanted to visit all places. We went to a hotel in the city center and after having dinner, we slept because we were tired.


Yes, my friends were like this. Thank you for reading.

Hello Hive, I'm @sunsan I Always Create Original Contents. Thank you for reading

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