Some photography while in empty land

in CCH27 days ago

When I went to the garden which had just been cleaned, I took pictures of the garden, the garden was very large and had just been cleaned.

My plan is to plant oil palms on this land, because oil palm trees are one of the long-lasting plants and can last a very long time and this can also be long-term but this is still in the planning stage.

We can carry out this plan as big as possible, with that effort it will give good results. Initially, in my parents' garden, all the cotton trees and all the cotton trees were cut cleanly.

After everything is cleaned, we will most likely plant palm trees.

And here I have taken some pictures in the empty garden, and coincidentally when I went to the garden it was time for lunch and before I went to the garden I had bought packed rice.

And I took some pictures, so let's look at some of the pictures I took together.

Those are some of the pictures I took when I was on the newly cleared land.


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Very nice place.