On the road in Spain: From Roses to Barcelona! - Unterwegs in Spanien: Von Roses nach Barcelona! 🚐 🏰

in CCH11 months ago

After our stay in Roses we traveled on with our campervan and found a camper site in Cabrera de Mar. We were immediately impressed by the relaxed atmosphere and the proximity to the beach. 🚐🏖️

Nach unserem Aufenthalt in Roses sind wir mit unserem Campervan weitergereist und haben einen Wohnmobilstellplatz in Cabrera de Mar gefunden. Die entspannte Atmosphäre und die Nähe zum Strand haben uns sofort beeindruckt. 🚐🏖️




From there we decided to take a day trip to Barcelona. We took the comfortable train and went to the vibrant metropolis! 🚆🏙️

Von dort aus haben wir uns für einen Tagesausflug nach Barcelona entschieden. Wir haben die bequeme Bahn genommen und uns in die pulsierende Metropole begeben! 🚆🏙️





In Barcelona, we took an exciting city tour by bus to discover the most important sights. From the majestic Sagrada Família Basilica to the historic Old Town and the lively Ramblas - each stop was an experience in itself! 🚌🗺️

In Barcelona haben wir eine spannende Stadtrundfahrt mit dem Bus gemacht, um die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zu entdecken. Von der majestätischen Basilika Sagrada Família über die historische Altstadt bis hin zu den lebhaften Ramblas - jeder Halt war ein Erlebnis für sich! 🚌🗺️






The fascinating architecture Casa Milà (La Pedrera) by Antoni Gaudí particularly impressed us. Park Güell and Casa Batlló were true masterpieces! 🏰✨

Besonders beeindruckt hat uns die faszinierende Architektur Casa Milà (La Pedrera) von Antoni Gaudí. Der Park Güell und die Casa Batlló waren wahre Meisterwerke! 🏰✨



After an eventful day, we enjoyed the delicious Catalan food in an artistic and quaint restaurant. 😋🍽️

Nach einem ereignisreichen Tag genossen wir das köstliche katalanische Essen in einem künstlerischen und urigen Restaurant. 😋🍽️



Barcelona impressed us with its unique mix of history, art and lively atmosphere. We are grateful for this wonderful trip and the many unforgettable impressions! 🌞🏞️

Barcelona beeindruckte uns mit seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus Geschichte, Kunst und lebendiger Atmosphäre. Wir sind dankbar für diese wunderbare Reise und die vielen unvergesslichen Eindrücke! 🌞🏞️


#SpainTravel #Roses #CostaBrava #CabreraDeMar #Barcelona #CityTour #Wohnmobilreise #TravelMemories



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Pictures by vanje with iPhone 13


The photography of Barcelona city shared by you my dear friend @vanje impressed me too with its unique blend of history, art and vibrant atmosphere. For long journeys, I also prefer train because it is comfortable for me too, I have a lot of back pain, so I cannot travel by bus for a long time. The photos shared by you are very clean which gives a direct tour of the city. I hope to see more cities like this through you.

Thank you very much. Back pain is probably the biggest ache among us humans. I have that too, try it with distraction e.g.: Gymnastics and meditation to keep under control, which I often succeed.

hope to see more cities like this through you.

I am just preparing my next post, which I will publish tomorrow.

Wow, I'm waiting to read your next post

I congratulate you for a nice post, I enjoy reading what you say while looking at the great photos 👍


Thank you very much!

You must be killin' it out here!
@hive-117778 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @vanje.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

very great place,I love Barcelona.

That's right, the city has its charm. I like them too!

@tipu curate

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What a beautiful place in Barcelona. How I wish my feet will lead me here someday. Great post and beautiful photographs my dear friend. Have safe travels!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you like the post and the photos. If your feet take you to Barcelona one day, I highly recommend a city tour by bus. The tickets are valid for 24 hours and allow you to get off and on at any stop. During the ride, you'll receive interesting information about the route and the sights via headphones. This information is available in four languages: Spanish, French, English and German. It's a great way to experience the unique flair of the city and its fascinating sights while having fun. Have a wonderful weekend and who knows, maybe your feet will really lead you to Barcelona soon!

All photos are so WOW!🤩 a lot of fascinating architectures indeed. 🥰

Thank you!