Sky Natural Scene Photography.

in CCH3 years ago (edited)

Hello CCH Community!

This is not a insect post, in this post i am sharing the natural beauty of blue sky and white cloud. it is the amazing scene i click these scene as a background of my laptop , Everyone can uses these picture free of cast at any place. i click these picture yesterday when i was going to forest for insect macro photography, on the way i clicked these pictures randomly.








Type: Sky
Camera Device: Smart Phone
Lens Type: Wide angle
Software: Lightroom
Content Creator: @zrss


Did you shoot all these images with a macro lens .. But good pictures

hahahah , i am sorry , i do not remember to change my footer photography detail.

We have discuss about photography content hopefully use the camera type(Taken with Samsung S9 plus) . Fix it and will curating!

Thank you for publishing your content in the CCH community (CampingClubHive)

This post will be curated manually by @visionaer3003 and @my451r with a vote value 20 %

Continue to work and publish your content here, and look forward to the contest in this community which will be held every week.

Best Regards,
(Camping Club Hive Community/CCH Moderator)