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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition

in AskMe3 years ago

Not sure the best way to phrase this question but ... I respect your desire for anonymity within the crypto space, especially here on Hive. Once we see mass adoption, do you think it is a real risk that people’s Hive net worth is public knowledge that can be used by individuals to target specific people for crime?


I am in the information security industry, so Internet privacy is always a concern of mine, especially since most of the time your data is hacked by third parties and not yourself. Every time I sign up for a site (crypto or otherwise) I use random usernames and passwords and try to minimize the amount of real information I have to provide. One of the main reasons I deleted my Facebook account as they are one of the worst.

As for crimes, that surely is a concern but it is no different than Web 2.0 and using anonymous accounts there as well which is fairly common practice.

When I got here, I knew I would be a target as I was fighting spam and abuse which made me a bigger target than most. I have been threatened and harassed many times. Much of it would make your skin crawl and I would prefer not having these psychos show up on my doorstep causing me to have to defend my house and family.

I am not in anti-abuse anymore but at this point, enough people hate me that I'd prefer to just be a random dude. I started on Steem like everyone else clueless on what it would become and just kept typing random shit until I found a username not taken.

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