
I just built a new computer that I use for gaming and video editing. Its an Intel i9 9900k, ive been overclocking it and made it to 5ghz so far recently. I want to get some better video cards for it but they are all out of stock where I live. Right now it has 32GB of RAM and the two Nvidia 1080 video cards.


Waiiit, you built a computer this sophisticated????

Yep, I emulate PS3 and other new generation consoles so I need alot of processing power.

Its watercooled so it can take alot of abuse.

That is mind blowing. That machine could play the most advanced games in existence in full HD 😲😲.

Have you patented this or something?

Yep, it plays all my games at 2k and usually above 50FPS.. So I am real happy with it.

Patented it? Naw

Wow, cos I'd like to have that computer. Would be perfect for My COD 😌💯

Haha yeah Ive played some COD on it already and its smooth like butter.

Well if Hive moons go ahead and spend a little money on a new computer for yourself, a nice treat for all the hard work posting on Hive.