Take a walk around famous companies in aceh

in Stock Images3 years ago

hello hivean, how are you all!
beautiful scenery and amazing nature is always really right for people who can appreciate it.

After a few days I didn't post because my health wasn't good anymore and I got special treatment, finally today I'm healthy and my body is fresh again, because I feel that my body has been resting for a long time today I want to go for a walk because I'm bored at home, no far from my village, I only surround well-known companies in aceh, I can't call them and I remove the company nameplate so as not to violate this community, the road I passed today was very busy in the afternoon, very many people intentionally take a walk around here to see the sophistication of this company, for me what is interesting from today's sightseeing is around here even though there is a large company but the air is very fresh and clean at all there is no noise from the company's engine, when we see it from outside the company it's involved like there's no activity in it, because there's really no sound machines and there are no activities that can be seen from the outside, this company really maintains the peace of the surrounding community so that they are equally calm in all the activities of the company and the surrounding community.

We can see from the picture above that this company is very concerned about preserving the natural environment, this company is planting a lot of trees to protect the air around them, this company has been around for decades but no one has complained about this company.

Unfortunately, I can't enter the fence of this company to show some iron pipes that are useful for sending gas out of the area, there is no permission to enter other than workers at the company, which is the reason I can't enter and I don't force my way in.