Stock images: marble ball

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)

Hello stock images friends wherever you are, meet me again @asklanbudi

On this occasion I would like to donate some photos of child marbles, a few days ago I shared a photo of child marbles with a black background, but this time I made a white background,
If friends like my photos, please use them, all photos are mine.
Here are some photos of the child marbles.

#marbles #ball #toy #child #color #white #glass

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stem tag?

@dlmmqb you are the community snitch. We haven't forgotten about your wrongful and false reports against innocent hivians.

Please don't vote or support the community snitch that files wrongful blacklist reports upon innocent users.

This individual targets other minority groups from his ethnicity.

And attacks others after pretending to be their friend so he can get more information to file his wrongful reports.

Do not vote this individual. This is an individual not worthy of being followed so please mute and block this individual as well as remove all financial rewards.

There's a huge list of individuals that have been targeted wrongfully by this individual. Including myself