Stock images: toy train disassembly

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, stock images wherever you are, how are you tonight, I hope you are healthy this weekend.

On the occasion of this weekend I would like to donate some photos of disassembly toys.
A few days ago I donated the same photo, namely unpacking, but this time I want to donate a photo of disassembly with a white background. I just bought this disassembly last night my son asked for a disassembly toy, then I bought it at the store. I also wanted to make a different photo with a car and a rebuilt statue.
Here are some photos of disassembly toys.

Keyword categories
#toy #unloading #children #car #block #assembly #train

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This makes me remember my younger days when I used to play with Legos. Those were the days. Have a nice day ahead.